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How to Cook Mussels

  What are mussels? Mussels are bivalve mollusks that grow in saltwater up and down the east coast, though mussels...

Kelp and Crab Stuffed Avocados

Crab Stuffed Avocados with Kelp. Creamy, rich avocados stuffed with sweet lump crab meat and umami rich kelp (seaweed!) in...

Seafood Wreath

Seafood Wreath. A festive, holiday seafood wreath made with a base of crispy green lettuce, sauteed sea scallops, sauteed bay...

Best Breakfast Tacos with Sea-Chi

  Breakfast Tacos with Sea-Chi. Warm flour tortillas packed with cheddar cheese, organic eggs, black beans, avocado slices and sea-chi...

Shrimp Scampi Spaghetti Squash Bowls

  Shrimp Scampi Spaghetti Squash Bowls. Roasted spaghetti squash tossed with extra virgin olive oil, white wine, garlic and spinach...

Stay-At-Home Snacking Board

Stay-At-Home Snacking Board. This Atlantic Sea Farms Stay-At-Home Snacking Board is great for families or couples to share together on these...